Parenting: The joy of being a parent is priceless!
But at the same time, the task of raising kids can be daunting or rewarding depending on the effectiveness of the parenting style and the strategies used!
Let’s make your parenting journey more fulfilling through some research-backed child-rearing tips about how to build self-esteem in kids!
Table of Contents
Top 5 tips to build Self Esteem:-
1. Choose Words and Responses Mindfully
For kids, you are the IMPORTANT PERSON in the world. Your actions, reactions, words, and tone make an ocean of difference. Be generous to appreciate the child for even the tiniest of achievements. This will make the kid stronger with each experience no matter how big or small it is.
Many of us often ignore the power of our words and responses in our everyday lives. In reality, all that we say develops a sense of worth or hopelessness in the child. So by selecting your words mindfully, you seamlessly prove your unconditional love to the kid.
If you wish to get the desired results from good parenting tips, remember the power of your words at all times while dealing with the child. Only then you will truly understand how to build self-confidence in kids.
Make it a point to understand the types of self-esteem (high, low, etc.). Because it is scientifically proven that words affect us at a deep psychological level, making an impact on the outcome of life.

2. Cultivate Discipline
Kids can learn to be disciplined through a proactive yet loving approach. But the problem is that many parents fail to stick to discipline themselves. Remember you cannot expect your kids to follow you blindly just because you happen to be an ADULT. Instead, you need to trust the parenting guide when it says kids need good role models to follow!
Always demonstrate the behaviour that you want your child to follow with grace. Because if you stay disciplined, you automatically make way for the kid to understand the right message.
Being disciplined has several advantages for an individual. So much so that it can turn the tables, help you create the right plans, stick to these, and succeed in life. As your child develops discipline, it also helps in developing self-esteem. And improves one’s whole life.
Suggested Reading – Learn more about the importance of discipline in a student’s life through this informative article “Importance Of Discipline In Student’s Life“.

3. Keep a Check on Expectations
If you wish to find an answer to the question, ‘How to boost self-confidence?’, pause for a minute and ask yourself the following questions:
Are all my expectations realistic?
How many times do I appreciate my child in a day?
How many times do I crib or scold my child in a day?
These simple answers will give you all the clarity that you need. Because many times, we pick the wrong parenting style. And this is where we start missing out on the bigger picture.
All kids need an age-appropriate handling!
So be careful about your biases and beliefs to avoid being unreasonable. Remember that the kid needs space and freedom to blossom under your guidance. So keep your expectations highly realistic. And most importantly never compare your kid with anyone else.
4. Say Yes to Reinforcement and No to Punishment
Your kid can never develop self-esteem if you choose to punish them. You may find it difficult to avoid punishment at times. However, parenting experts suggest shaping your kid’s personality through reinforcement can work wonders.
A simple thumbs up, words like ‘great work’, nod, and smiley stickers are simply magical for young kids.
Honestly, reinforcement is the best strategy that can work with all types of kids. So why not make use of these to reap the benefits in the long run?
A pro tip here!
Be aware of your limits even with the reinforcement strategies. Because again, it is worthless to heap the kid with overpraise all the time. Learn to make choices, and step back from overdoing if you feel you are crossing the limits.
Do not feel guilty about following this thumb rule. Experts have proved that kids raised with too much over-cheering and over-praising tend to seek validation or approval for their self-worth.
Hope this clarifies why we need to set our limits too.
5. Exhibit The Right Behavior
Once you are a parent consider a pair of eyes watching over you!
Your kid takes numerous clues from you throughout the day.
So the next time you yell at your house help or fail to model good traits (like truthfulness, honesty, patience, etc.), understand that your kid will automatically fail in developing these qualities.
When you are a parent, remember to practice what you preach. Besides, there is nothing wrong in addressing your mental health problems and seeking help for these well in time. If you think you are the only one battling with these issues, here’s a reality check for you (Source – National Mental Health Survey, 2015 – 16):
- 150 million Indians required mental health care services.
- 15% of Indian adults needed active intervention for mental health issues (at least one)
- Less than 30 million were seeking care.

In short, you cannot learn how to boost self-confidence in kids if you underestimate your role in this regard.
Final Thoughts
As a parent, we often forget that we are human too. And miss out on the need to work on ourselves to mirror the good qualities that we wish to see in our kids. Raising kids mindfully is quite possible with realistic expectations and an open mind.
Trust yourself and your unconditional love for your kid!
And keep addressing all the challenges that come your way to be your best version.
Remember that no one is perfect. Mistakes are an opportunity to work on your shortcomings!

Frequently Asked Questions
- How to build self-confidence in kids?
Parents can facilitate self-confidence in kids by helping them identify their innate strengths and weaknesses. When kids learn to work on their weaknesses, they develop better self-confidence. And eventually, their self-esteem also improves. - Share some parenting tips to choose the best parenting style.
Discover your parenting strengths, and try to be on the authoritative side (supportive and nurturing) as much as you can. Do keep the kid’s personality in mind, and be open to changes in your styles as and when it is required. - What are the golden rules as per the parenting guide?
Spend quality time with your child. Set boundaries/expectations in advance, and practice positive discipline at all times.